Friday, August 26, 2011

Thank you Jesus & Aunt Jane!

God is SO good.....I have been praying and praying about how we are going to get a keyboard for Thorben. I see him stroking the kitchen table as though there were keys there and hear him whistling tones....I believe his heart is in embedded in music and I have hated that he doesn't have the option of playing whenever he wishes here.

His mother had said it was his therapy and I can't imagine a time when he would need his 'therapy' more than now when everything in his world has changed. We took him to our dear friends, The Davis', to play when he first got here....he played some beautiful tunes without any music....but we weren't there long and we haven't been back since. Elizabeth asked him how often he would like to come over and when given some options, he chose monthly....I knew this wasn't enough but he seems like the kind of person who does not want to inconvenience anyone, especially someone he just met in a country he had just been for a few days.

So this has been something that has been worrying say the least....I had been thinking of purchasing a keyboard but we really cannot afford it....and we had seen a piano for free in Salisbury....but by the time we found someone to help us go and get was no longer available.....

But today God worked this out for us....He is an amazing God...isn't he?

I was hanging out with Dr. Jane talking to her about this situation while she was watering the plants at Mimosa. She just turned to me and said...."you should just borrow my is just sitting there and no one is using it".....I didn't even know she used to play the piano.

I asked her if she was sure and she said she was so I followed her to her house and she showed me how to put the stand together and I came home and set it up for him.

He was gone to a football game with Tommy so it was a GREAT surprise for him when he got home. I was SO excited....I could hardly wait for them to get home....I didn't get his expression when he first saw it.....because I wasn't quick enough but here are some pics of him playing it.

I hope it doesn't frustrate him because it isn't the full 88 keys....but it is bigger than most of the ones I was looking at purchasing for least he can play whenever he wants to.....Thank you Dr. Jane and Jesus!

He reads music and plays by ear.....sometimes he just plays.....basically making it up as he goes....he calls it improvising.....I asked him if he had ever written a song and he said no because he didn't know how to write it down...but he is basically writing music...he is extremely talented! I am SO looking forward to listening to the music!

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